1.Shabetai R. The Pericardium, 2003. Boston. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
LeWinter M.M. Pericardial diseases. In Libby P, Bonow RO, Mann DL, et al. (eds.) Braunwald’s Heart Disease. A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine, 8th edn., 2008. Philadelphia, PA. Saunders, pp.1829- 1853.
3.Soler-Soler J, Permanyer-Miralda G, Sagristа-Sauleda J (eds.). Pericardial disease. New insights and old dilemmas, 1990. Dordrecht. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
4.Spodick DH. The Pericardium. A Comprehensive Textbook, 1997. New York: marcel Dekker.
1.Spodick D.H. The Pericardium. A Comprehensive Textbook, 1997. New York: marcel Dekker.
2.Soler-Soler J., Permanyer-Miralda G., Sagristа-Sauleda J. (eds.). Pericardial disease. New insights and old dilemmas, 1999. Dordrecht. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
3.Shabetai R. The Pericardium, 2003. Boston, MA: kluwer Academic Publishers.
4.Imazio M., Demichelis B., Cecchi E. et al. Cardiac troponin I in acute pericarditis // J. Am. Coll. Cardiol. -
- Vol. 42. - P. 2144-2148.
5.Riera A.R., Uchida A.H., Schapachnik E et al (2008). Early repolarization variant: epidemiological aspects, mechanism, and differential diagnosis // Cardiol. J. - 2008. - Vol. 15. - P. 4-16.
6.Sagristа-Sauleda J., Mer^ J., Permanyer-Miralda G., Soler-Soler J. Clinical clues to the causes of large pericardial effusions // Am. J. Med. - 2000. - Vol. 109. - P. 95-101.
Maisch B., Seferovic P.M., Ristic A.D. et al. Guidelines on the Diagnosis and Management of Pericardial Diseases Executive Summary: The Task Force on the Diagnosis and Management of Pericardial Diseases of the European Society of Cardiology // Eur. Heart J. - 2004. - Vol. 25. - P. 587-610.
Levy P.Y., Fournier P.E., Charrel R. et al. Molecular analysis of pericardial fluid: a 7-year experience // Eur. Heart J. - 2006. - Vol. 27. -
P. 1942-1946.
Permanyer-Miralda G., Sagristа-Sauleda J., Soler-Soler J. Primary acute pericardial disease: a prospective series of 231. consecutive patients // Am. J. Cardiol. - 1985. - Vol. 56. - P. 623-630.
10.Strang J.I., Kakaza H.H., Gibson D.G. et al. Controlled trial of prednisolone as adjuvant in treatment of tuberculous constrictive pericarditis in Transkei // Lancet. - 1987. - Vol. 2. - P. 1418-1422.
.Strang J.I.G., Kakaza HH, Gibson DG, et al. Controlled trial of complete open surgical drainage and of prednisolone in treatment of tuberculous pericardial effusion in Transkei // Lancet. - 1988. - Vol. 2. - P. 759-763.
12.Hakim J.G., Ternouth I., Mushangi E. et al. Double-blind randomised placebo controlled trial of adjunctive prednisolone in the treatment of effusive tuberculous pericarditis in HIV seropositive patients // Heart. - 2000. - Vol. 84. - P. 183-188.
13.Soler-Soler J., Permanyer-Miralda G., Sagristа-Sauleda J. A systematic diagnostic approach to primary acute pericardial disease: the Barcelona experience // Cardiol. Clin. - 1990. - Vol. 8. - P. 639-644.
14.Soler-Soler J., Permanyer-Miralda G., Sagristа-Sauleda J. (eds.). Protocol for the diagnosis and management of pericardial diseases. Pericardial disease. New insights and old dilemmas, 1990. Dordrecht: kluwer Academic Publishers, pp.193-214.
Permanyer-Miralda G. Acute pericardial disease approach to the aetiologic diagnosis // Heart. - 2004. - Vol. 90. - P. 252-254.
16.Spodick D.H. Acute pericarditis: current concepts and practice // JAMA. - 2003. - Vol. 289. - P. 11501153.
Lange R.A., Hillis L.D. Clinical practice. Acute pericarditis // N. Engl. J. Med. - 2004. - Vol. 351. - P. 2195-2002.
Troughton R.W., Asher C.R., Klein A.L. Pericarditis // Lancet. - 2004. - Vol. 363. - P. 717-727.
Atar S., Chiu J., Forrester J.S. et al. Bloody pericardial effusion in patients with cardiac tamponade. Is the cause cancerous, tuberculous, or iatrogenic in the 1990s? // Chest. - 1999. - Vol. 116. - P. 1564-1569.
20.Sagrist-Sauleda J., Barrabs J.A., Permanyer-Miralda G. et al. Purulent pericarditis: a twenty-year experience in a General Hospital // J. Am. Coll. Cardiol. - 1993. - Vol. 22. - P. 1661-1665.
21 .Merc J., Sagrist Sauleda J., Permanyer Miralda G. et al. Should pericardial drainage be performed routinely in patients who have a large pericardial effusion without tamponade? // Am. J. Med. - 1998. - Vol. 105. - P. 106-109.
Maisch B., Bethge C., Drude L. et al. Pericardioscopy and epicardial biopsy. New diagnostic tools in pericardial and perimyocardial disease // Eur .Heart J. - 1994. - Vol. 15(Suppl.C). - P. 68-73.
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27.Imazio M., Bobbio M., Cecchi E. et al. Colchicine in addition to conventional therapy for acute pericarditis. Results of the COlchicine for acute PEricarditis (COPE) trial // Circulation. - 2005. - Vol. 112. -
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3.Soler-Soler J, Permanyer-Miralda G, Sagristа-Sauleda J (eds.). Pericardial disease. New insights and old dilemmas, 1990. Dordrecht. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
4.Spodick DH. The Pericardium. A Comprehensive Textbook, 1997. New York: marcel Dekker.
1.Spodick D.H. The Pericardium. A Comprehensive Textbook, 1997. New York: marcel Dekker.
2.Soler-Soler J., Permanyer-Miralda G., Sagristа-Sauleda J. (eds.). Pericardial disease. New insights and old dilemmas, 1999. Dordrecht. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
3.Shabetai R. The Pericardium, 2003. Boston, MA: kluwer Academic Publishers.
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- Vol. 42. - P. 2144-2148.
5.Riera A.R., Uchida A.H., Schapachnik E et al (2008). Early repolarization variant: epidemiological aspects, mechanism, and differential diagnosis // Cardiol. J. - 2008. - Vol. 15. - P. 4-16.
6.Sagristа-Sauleda J., Mer^ J., Permanyer-Miralda G., Soler-Soler J. Clinical clues to the causes of large pericardial effusions // Am. J. Med. - 2000. - Vol. 109. - P. 95-101.
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Permanyer-Miralda G., Sagristа-Sauleda J., Soler-Soler J. Primary acute pericardial disease: a prospective series of 231. consecutive patients // Am. J. Cardiol. - 1985. - Vol. 56. - P. 623-630.
10.Strang J.I., Kakaza H.H., Gibson D.G. et al. Controlled trial of prednisolone as adjuvant in treatment of tuberculous constrictive pericarditis in Transkei // Lancet. - 1987. - Vol. 2. - P. 1418-1422.
.Strang J.I.G., Kakaza HH, Gibson DG, et al. Controlled trial of complete open surgical drainage and of prednisolone in treatment of tuberculous pericardial effusion in Transkei // Lancet. - 1988. - Vol. 2. - P. 759-763.
12.Hakim J.G., Ternouth I., Mushangi E. et al. Double-blind randomised placebo controlled trial of adjunctive prednisolone in the treatment of effusive tuberculous pericarditis in HIV seropositive patients // Heart. - 2000. - Vol. 84. - P. 183-188.
13.Soler-Soler J., Permanyer-Miralda G., Sagristа-Sauleda J. A systematic diagnostic approach to primary acute pericardial disease: the Barcelona experience // Cardiol. Clin. - 1990. - Vol. 8. - P. 639-644.
14.Soler-Soler J., Permanyer-Miralda G., Sagristа-Sauleda J. (eds.). Protocol for the diagnosis and management of pericardial diseases. Pericardial disease. New insights and old dilemmas, 1990. Dordrecht: kluwer Academic Publishers, pp.193-214.
Permanyer-Miralda G. Acute pericardial disease approach to the aetiologic diagnosis // Heart. - 2004. - Vol. 90. - P. 252-254.
16.Spodick D.H. Acute pericarditis: current concepts and practice // JAMA. - 2003. - Vol. 289. - P. 11501153.
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Atar S., Chiu J., Forrester J.S. et al. Bloody pericardial effusion in patients with cardiac tamponade. Is the cause cancerous, tuberculous, or iatrogenic in the 1990s? // Chest. - 1999. - Vol. 116. - P. 1564-1569.
20.Sagrist-Sauleda J., Barrabs J.A., Permanyer-Miralda G. et al. Purulent pericarditis: a twenty-year experience in a General Hospital // J. Am. Coll. Cardiol. - 1993. - Vol. 22. - P. 1661-1665.
21 .Merc J., Sagrist Sauleda J., Permanyer Miralda G. et al. Should pericardial drainage be performed routinely in patients who have a large pericardial effusion without tamponade? // Am. J. Med. - 1998. - Vol. 105. - P. 106-109.
Maisch B., Bethge C., Drude L. et al. Pericardioscopy and epicardial biopsy. New diagnostic tools in pericardial and perimyocardial disease // Eur .Heart J. - 1994. - Vol. 15(Suppl.C). - P. 68-73.
Nataf P., Cacoub P., Regan M. et al. Video-thoracoscopic pericardial window in the diagnosis and treatment of pericardial effusions // Am. J. Cardiol. - 1998. - Vol. 82. - P. 124-126.
Nugue O., Millaire A., Porte H. et al. Pericardioscopy in the etiologic diagnosis of pericardial effusion in
consecutive patients // Circulation. - 1996. - Vol. 94. - P. 1035-1041.
25.Seferovic P.M., Ristic A.D., Maksimovic R. et al. Diagnostic value of pericardial biopsy: improvement with extensive sampling enabled by pericardioscopy // Circulation. - 2003. - Vol. 107. - P. 978-983.
26.Imazio M., Demichellis B., Parrini I. et al. Day-hospital treatment of acute pericarditis. A management program for outpatient therapy // J. Am. Coll. Cardiol. - 2004. - Vol. 43. - P. 1042-1046.
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Источник: Кэмм А. Джон, Люшер Томас Ф., Серруис П.В., «Болезни сердца и сосудов.Часть 4 (Главы 16-19)» 2011